Todd Fisher

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Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds Public Memorial will feature James Blunt's music - Will be Live Streamed

Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds are about to get a belated but pretty awesome public send-off.

The public memorial will be held at 1pm, March 25 at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, where the mother/daughter are buried. The ceremony will be held in a 1,200 seat theater at the cemetery.   

One of the highlights will be the unveiling of a tribute song from James Blunt. James and Carrie were tight ... she was the godmother to his child. Blunt won't be performing, but Fisher's brother, Todd, tells us the track will debut over a photo montage.

Also on the program ... the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, a dance tribute from the Debbie Reynolds dance school, and tons of costumes and memorabilia will be on display.

The event will be streamed live at Debbie's website