Two venues for auctions of Debbie and Carrie memorabilia

1) Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Studio Store

Facebook Group

Each weekend, new claim items or bundles of Debbie and/or Carrie memorabilia will be offered in this Facebook group. Often there is a limit to these, and once they are all claimed, that's it! When possible, the times for the start of these claim sales will be announced prior to the weekend. There may be familiar items paired with other things or new items from Debbie's collection.

Occasionally, we will hold some weekly Facebook auctions with more substantial items. You will be able to bid on those in the comments up until the deadline.

There will also be some contests and other special giveaways offered from time to time!

Every couple of weeks, we'll open a discussion topic related to Debbie and/or Carrie so you can discuss with other members.

Here is a recent claim sale


2) Cat & Todd Live on Facebook


Todd Fisher and his wife Catherine Hickland host a weekly Facebook live show called "Cat and Todd Live" on Cat’s Facebook page most often on a Saturday early evening Las Vegas time and available for viewing after the event. Through this show, Todd has offered memorabilia, signed items, and personal items that belonged to his mother for auctions (and sometimes giveaways!). Many personal belongings were given to family members or auctioned off for the public at Debbie's estate auction in 2018, but this is an opportunity for those who weren't able to be part of the estate auction to own something from Debbie's own collection (or additional movie memorabilia acquired over the years). Todd and his wife use auction funds to give back to their local community in Las Vegas.